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The Newtown Economic Development Commission held a Special meeting on Monday, May 12, 2008 at My Place Restaurant, Queen Street, Newtown, CT.
Chairman Chet Hopper called to order at 7:35 a.m.
Present:  Catherine Adsit, Monte Frank, Chet Hopper, Ted Kreinik, Robert Morey, Robert Rau, Mitchell Bolinsky, John Torok.
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning & Community Development and one member of the public.
Public Participation: None
Reports: None
Old Business: EDC Strategic Plan – SWOT Program – Chairman Hopper turned this over to Catherine Adsit who explained that the SWOT refers to Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is a strategic planning process used to define and identify factors specific to Newtown that can be used to help the Commission implement its Strategic Plan of Economic Development.
A preliminary outline was prepared by Ms. Adsit (Attachment A) and she proceeded to discuss the process.   SWOT process will help define what is a good fit for Newtown.
Catherine: Focus on Business retention.
Robert:  Businesses can assist the EDC understand their needs – outreach is key. Chamber of Commerce involvement,  Rotary is another key group
Catherine: Lions Club is another.
Mitchell:  Other Commisisons of Newtown should be part of this – example: Legislative Council taking Tech Park out of context.  
Ted:  How do “we” proceed.
Catherine:  Bring all of them together so that they can interact. If successful, follow up meetings can be scheduled.  Women-owned businesses and professional groups/clubs should be targeted along with others.
Chet:  Home industries would be very important to involve in this project.
John:  EDC Proactive and Communicate our mission outreach to existing businesses would be key to this goal.
Catherine:  Home based businesses hold potential for growth and retension in Newtown.

Catherine: THREATS
What is on the horizon? The EDC should be proactive to address future needs.
Example: Energy costs – how can Newtown be a leader?
Tech Park can help us discover the type of threats pertaining to energy – will green buildings be the future?
Monte: Example of Swiss Bank in Stamford.
Catherine: Cautious that we can compete with Stamford: Example, TOD – incentives for employees to live in town also Stamford’s labor force is different than Newtown’s Blue Collar employees – Example: cleaning staff not present in Newtown.
Follow Up: 2nd Tuesday for Senior Center? Catherine suggests avoiding scheduling a meeting on the same night as another key town agency that we wish to have participate.
Target – perhaps Sept. should be target – 7:00 p.m. time frame – 90 minutes
Site Location:  Senior Center? – Back-up location if large number RSVP.
Establish a Date.
Invitation List – include RSVP w/e-mails.
Sign-up and business card drop off for door prizes.
Groups would be formed naturally – Nominal Group Technique.
Wrap up will be important to identify our next steps. Catherine will facilitate with an assistant or EDC can hire a facilitator.
Chet: List of businesses should be reviewed before a mailing – 1 month before also an article in the Newtown Bee.
Purpose of the exercise is to help EDC discover how to implement the Strategic Plan.
John believes that the Commission, through the Chairman, should contact the media and begin promoting this idea.  Monte would be happy to assist.
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Ted. The motion was seconded by Bob Rau. Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m.

Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Stocker,  Clerk Pro Tem